
Showing posts from April, 2024

Misinformation through photos

Taking photos has become a norm in todays society whether it be saving memories, taking selfies, or even proof during a court trial. It is no doubt that it has made society a better place. But what can be used for good can also be used for bad. An image can be represented and interpreted completely different depending on the way it’s taken. When a taking a picture, some parts of a frame could be excluded—hiding some things—or more parts could be added—throwing off the audience and confusing them. And the caption associated with the picture could also be the determining factor of what it’s showing. Pictures could also be photoshopped which can change the actual contents of the photo and alter the image. While this may not seem as that big of a problem, as it’s very hard to pull of such trickery, the recent growth in the development of AI can definitely affect this.    The previous examples are mostly done by people that have some sort of experience in photography or photoshoppi...

Is urban rewilding problematic?

 Urban rewilding, a process that introduces nature into the city space to restore natural processes. In the essay we wrote this week, almost all of the sources were supporting rewilding, except for one. However I think the one source that was against urban rewilding had reasons that were not satisfactory nor valid. The first argument that this source provided was that city spaces (they used cities in the UK as an example) don't have enough space to implement any sort of changes. This argument should not even be taken into consideration because the whole point of Urban Rewilding is to integrate nature within city environments, which was not acknowledged at all. An example a different source provided was sky gardens, which was just nature on buildings, which doesn't require any additional space at all as it's just going to be on top of something that has already been built. Places like New York City and Singapore are able to set aside large spaces of land for parks in the mid...

Akrasia and addiction

 While it may seem easy to decide which decision to take based on the facts, it's actually not. A large reason as to why people do the wrong things even after knowing what the right thing to do is addiction. A very popular addiction today is smoking which is addictive because of its nicotine. When people have an addiction to an activity, they will always have a constant urge to do it even if they decide not to do it. And usually these addictions are formed because when people do a task that they like, the body releases dopamine, which makes people satisfied and happy. Akrasia happens because deep down you want to involve yourself in an activity (like smoking) but the negative repercussions are making you doubt whether you should do it or not. The most likely reason for this is that you value the happiness you gain from it which overrules the option of not doing it altogether. The addiction or the need to get something done is where the lack of self control comes from. It's diff...